Friday 11 July 2014

Can you identify this mobile milking machine?

Earlier this week we were given a mobile milking machine. It has the manufacturer's decals on the bucket, "SAC".

Here it is sitting in the workshop
 SAC is a well known dairy engineering company in the Netherlands so it must be well designed and built but I have no idea of the model name and number. We need an operator's manual and a maintenance manual can you help to track these down?

It has obviously been standing in a weatherproof byre or workshop for some time it covered in dust and grime, some of the taps are seized but otherwise it looks in very good order. I want to get it running.  There is a down side to machine milking, it costs more, there's more washing up to do, machines go wrong, parts such as liners need replacement and the goats have to be trained to accept it.

On the plus side milking machines are cleaner and quicker, my hands are getting a bit arthritic and I like the sound of the machine chugging away in the early morning. So get it going and give it a try. If it works we could  use the existing milking stand but put it all in a much cleaner miling parlour at the end of the workshop. Sounds like a good winter project.

Update:  The SAC agents in England sent me copies of the operator's manual and the maintenance schedule, thank you.

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