Friday 28 March 2014

"Kidding Live" : Blow by blow competition for BBC2

The nation appears to be gripped  by, "Lambing Live" on BBC 2  at the moment; so here's the alternative a blow by blow illustrated account of Pia's kidding. The attraction of the lambing programme isn't just the rear ends of ewes, its the beautiful countryside around Peebles and a "fly on the wall" story of a farming family.

I was loafing in the sun on Wednesday morning, D Day plus four you'll remember if you are keeping up with the programme, when I heard Pia groaning in the goat house. Here's what happened.

Midday     Goat groaning, getting up, lying down, pawing her bedding looking behind her.

 12.10     Candle like string of white mucous appears, this usually means birth is imminent, i.e. within 30minutes.

12.20     Nose and forefeet just visible, much groaning and contracting

12.25     Kid number one flops on to the straw, Pia starts to lick and clean her, part of the bonding process. We know she has two because of the scan in February.

12.55 Much straining and contracting but no kid appears so decide to do an examination, kid is upside down with feet back and head forward so rotate and withdraw feet and head together. Kid number two ends up on the straw.

13.00     Second of two oatmeal coloured kids is well licked and soon on her feet. We have two more female but strangely coloured Toggenburgs.

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